This is Aysegul and her friend. The wedding was last Saturday and it was the first of this kind. I can't imagine it will be the last though! The pins on her sash and the money are from her friends. You pin them on for good luck. You write your name on the red ribbon. ie: your wedding gift.

You sit in a big auditorium and hopefully they will say yes (evet)! And when they do you clap like mad! Then they herd you out like cattle. Then you go into this big room (the first photo) and get into a receiving line. But, it really is quite hectic because even as her friend was receiving people, there were 3 other brides also receiving people! It was so crazy! And we stood around comparing dresses, you know, as all women do.... This is how life goes. See, they wear white just like us! It was fun though and a new experience! My brain is on overload; a new experience every day!
Today was a good day, but a boy choked and I was the ONLY one in the room with first aid who was paying attention (only 3 teachers have had first aid training). So of course after I'd wacked him HARD on the back the item mixed with lunch was thrown up. One new teachers aid just stared at the kid. It was a little freaky. This would be day 3 for throw up. I'm trying for a new record. Read tomorrow for a final score!
Julaine; of course I remember you!!!! I rarely forget a person after I have been locked in their bathroom, no matter my age!