11 September 2006

Chewing Gum

Ok. So far all of my blogs have been super happy YEAH I'm in Istanbul. You're probably wondering where my dark humour is hiding. WELL, I must vent just a little... So, today I got on the bus 129T and found a seat. It looked like a nice clean seat, free from young men and other irritating sources of nature. That is until I sat down and then it began! First off, old Turkish men don't shower. Old men all over the world have the same smell. You know, that old man smell. That musky, medicinal, orange pill bottle smell? Well, mix that with an aversion to deoderant and infrequent clothes wasthing. So, a man of this nature sat directly behind me, leaned forward and placed a hand on MY seat. Now, this immediatly annoyed me stricly because it's irritating to have someone in your area. That said, he was also chewing gum; or trying to. You see, he was more-so making a smacking sound as he had no teeth with which to chew. His saliva made a slurpy smack smack and it almost drove me to insanity!!!!!!!! So I did the unthinkable; I turned around and stared him straight in the eye. This of course was a mistake as he gave me a gap toothed smile that spoke volumes of creepy old man happiness that I was "eyeing" him. Oh palease!!!!


Blogger Miller's Missions said...

All I have to say is HILARIOUS!!! I'm sure it wasn't at the time but that cracks me up. And your dot does show up on our computer. And I can't send you any packages from here because we'd have to pay 20 extra bucks just to send it and the Panamanians would take everything out and you wouldn't get it anyway. I love you.
Angel <><

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, you didn't! Wow!

You do me in. . .

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please be smart.

10:15 PM  
Blogger T-Mac said...

NICE, way to go! Seriously though, GROSS!

3:32 AM  
Blogger L & H said...

Ha, ha! Laura, I miss you so much. The way you describe things is so great.

11:49 PM  

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