07 September 2006

Another Beautliful Face

This is Angela and she is FABULOUS! She's Greek-American (she looks Greek and speaks Greek and her girls speak Greek so she's totally Greek/American) and the ONLY person who understands me! Don't believe that American's think differently than anybody else in the world? Ha, move to Europe!!!! She's truly fabulous, Great personality and truly beautiful. This pic was taken on my birthday at the school. I work mostly with Turkish and British people so it is wonderful to have her around. She's always available for a cup of coffee (she's a coffee snob and an addict just like me.) I have her lovely daughter in my class and she's pretty cute. I'd post her pic but I didn't take my camera to class.... So let me tell you about working for an international school; meetings take FOREVER because everything is translated from Turkish to English. I really could bring a book and read until it's "my turn." Yet, somehow I think the director would frown upon this... And now that I'm actually trying to learn the language I keep hearing words I recognize. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. And then it's blah blah blah, Laura, blah blah blah, varma, blah blah blah, evet..... That is what I hear!!!!! Oh, and today I heard the hokey pokey song 5 times. Oh yes, I counted! So if I hear this song 5 times a day, five days a week that is 25 times a month. roughly. Multiply that by however many months I survive pre.school and k, and well you get the pic. The point is that next time you see me I might be slightly insane. but the best song ever is, "How many way, how many ways, how many waaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays, can you carry a bean bag?" yep, we sing this song w/o beanbags. My mind has a hard time grasping this. During my years as a lil' girl I was the master of the bean bag toss. But that's ok because every day I get to sing the bean bag song. What could be better than this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog! I finally saw it and the pic that came along..

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know the bean bag song. You're going to have to sing it for me someday.


7:53 AM  

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