16 July 2006


"If you were on Survivor, what would you choose as your luxury item?" My friend asked, her eyes sparkling in expectation. Being as I am a Christian I know what I'm supposed to say, and she knew it too. Technically it's called a Sunday School Answer. I'm supposed to say Bible. Right? And true, what could be more important than the Word of God on a deserted Island? But for the love people, I can't say Bible and be honest. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I slapped a hand to my forhead, squinted my eyes and turned my head and growled the answer, "toothbrush." I feel like a failed Christian, it's true; I'd bring my toothbrush. There, I've said it. Can I go to bed without reading my Bible when I'm so tired I can't see straight? YES! Can I go to bed without brushing my teeth? NEVER! Do any of you see a problem here!!!??????? I brush my teeth round figure 5 times a day. My dentist has limited me to 8 times a day. I can only brush with whitening toothpaste twice a day or it rips opens my gums. I have on hand 4 different typs of toothpaste at all times to cater to my moods when brushing as well as gum and tooth enamel preservation. It's an OCD addiction. I have two toothbrushes (you need to have some variety). I have two types of dental floss. I have two mouthwashes. I love clean teeth! So this is my pact. Every time I brush my teeth I have to say a verse that I am working on memorizing. That way, if I ever have to choose a luxury item I CAN take one of my beloved toothbrushes because scripture will be written on my heart.


Blogger T-Mac said...

I suppose there are worse habits...I mean, your gums will take care of you if you take care of them, but still, at least five times day? How often do you floss? I brush after every meal and floss once a day and I thought I was being really thorough.

Good call on starting up debate there, I'm going to give it a shot! :-)

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love you! You make me smile. Also, I understand the struggle with the "Sunday School Answer". Way too many people have asked me what I would take with me if I could only take one thing out of my burning house. I'm supposed to say the Bible, but HELLO!!!! I would have to admit I'd take money. Now that makes me sound like the worst sort of vile lowlife, right? I am guessing most people would think I'm a slave to money, but really I'm trying to be practical. The practical idea in this situation is to take your proof of ID or money or whatever record you need to access your bank account. If you have money you can buy a new Bible. I'm sure there are ways to get your money without taking it out of your burning house.... So I'm sure my idea isn't the most practical or the best. Yet, I think the question of what to take is the most annoying one in the whole world--after "Are you hot in those clothes?" on a broiling July day when the visitor asking is pouring sweat.


8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

7:51 AM  

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