28 June 2006

Peace Corps Update

Peace Corps supplies Newsweek to all Peace Corps volunteers serving overseas. How fabulous is that? I truly enjoy Newsweek, but I feel a little sad that PC isn't providing The Economist instead. You see, I love the Economist. But, a subscription to the magazine for one year is like a hundred and fifty dollars; hence I've never had the pleasure of The Economist on a weekly basis. There is nothing better than reading it with a nice cup of coffee. It is a beautiful thing; coffee and the Economist. I love the way the dark flavors from foreign nations dance accross my tongue as I read about Global Politics. I read The E. from beginning to end. Not in one sitting of course, but I don't like to bounce around. It's unnatural to me and I can't stand it. The only time I read an article out of order is when I am standing in line at the grocery store. And only then when I want to read an article that is screaming out to me, but would never buy. You know, one of those STAR magazines or Gossip deals that at times you are secretly interested in but would never buy because "you are better than that." You know that magazine. It's the one where you glance around before you pull it off the shelf to be sure no one is watching before you read dumb stuff about Britney Spears. And if someone you know walk up while you are reading it you give a smirk and a laugh and say, "can you believe people write this stuff? And even crazier that people read it. Come on..." and the other person laughs before they go to a different line and grab the same magazine so they can read up on the untrue gossip. The other time I skip around is when the article is truly dumb. Like when the article is a "Dear Helen" kind of thing. Where the questions written in go like this, "Dear Helen, I'm a vegetarian but your magazine says Veggies give me cancer; what do I eat?"or "I'm in love with my boss who is married, what shoudl I do?" I aslo don't read the "special workout pages." These ones go like this. "Standing in line?!! Do some squats to work on thos hamstrings and gluts!" yah right, I can see myself squatting in Starbucks as I wait for my Venti White Mocha. Come on, if I squat I'm liable to rip my pants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

7:51 AM  

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