26 June 2006

The First Photo!

Don't judge me; I'm new at this digital camera thing. Let me tell you how it began. First I grabbed my HUGE bag of pamphlets, guides, and cords. Then I separated the thousands of guides into an English and a Spanish section. I don't speak Spanish very well, but for some silly reason I'm not ready to throw them away... So then I have a tangle of cords and ONE diagram that says, "Attach the supplied interface cable to the computer's USB port and the camera's DIGITAL Terminal." Then they show a picture. Hullo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a step by step guide here. I can't be the only person in the world who can't figure this out. For the love the picture didn't match my camera. Come on people! My Dad found the "terminal" and I attached the USB thing, to the USB spot on the lap top. Fabulous. So now, I have a fabulous photo of my niece Marcela engaging in one of her favorite activities, "Washin' Dishes." So now, if I ever have a squashed a beetle in my bathroom and it scurries around being nasty, I'll take a photo of it and share it with you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She no longer has that wild and crazy hair! :-) I am so glad to see her there on American soil hanging out with you. Also, I hate direction that don't match up or are ambiguous. How am I supposed to know what each thing does or is called on a brand new machine? They must think I'm electronically inclined. Ha! They're so wrong!


9:11 PM  

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