15 June 2006

I dislike bugs with hard shells

You see, I was in the shower when a shadow flashed by. For a split second I was petrified, what could be in my bathroom? I owed my over-reaction to my obsession with CSI. Instead of an intruder I found our cat Cinnamon playing with a large beetle like bug in my bathroom. Yuck! Home invasion; so I ran to my room and grabbed a flip-flop and slammed it a top the large bug. Splat! I heard it squish! But, what I found when I returned to the loo was quite comical indeed! I had managed to squish the bottom third of the bug so its body drug on the ground, but magically missed all its legs. It scurried around while Cinnamon flipped it over and batted it around. I realized I had a decesion to make. Now that I am joining the Peace Corps, did that mean I had to be nice and peaceful at all times? Nope. When Cinnamon finished her game of "Scurry Bug" I had one thing left to do. I grabbed an empty role of toilet paper and jammed it at the bug. I felt the massive beetle shell break more than heard it. I felt it in the back of my throat and I wanted to gag. Sick, but now I had a bigger problem. Apparently this beetle had exremely sticky guts because it was stuck between the role and the floor. I gave it a little shake and its body swung up and attached to the role. I sent it flying into the waste basket because I wasn't willing to attempt to shake it off into the toilet. I can only imagine Ukrainian beetles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You braved rats; you can do anything. However, I also hate bugs. They are so disgusting, and I hate the hard shells as they crush. I also hate grasshoppers. I hate them the most, actually.


5:50 PM  

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