09 June 2006

How to eat a pizza...

When you pick out which piece of pizza you want, do you grab small ones so that you can have two, or do you grab one large piece? Well, I didn't care as I ate my pizza tonight. We had a celebatory dinner in honour of ALL the Millers coming to visit. YEAH! I can hardly handle myself! I am so excited to have both Reggie and Angel here at the same time! And Marcela gets to come with Harmony, how exciting! Time just can't come quick enough for me. I am so excited; I had almost lost hope. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't wait to play with my lil girls!


Blogger Miller's Missions said...

We'll have to have a celebratory pizza night when we are all there. That will be such a great day. I can't wait. The visa came through and we are on our way. One week from today we will be somewhere in the USA. I can't wait. Love you lots.
Angel <><

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so wonderful! How great for your family.


8:16 AM  

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